


点击这里观看我们的最新活动,并阅读关于救济2.0 20年12月27日签署的最新账单涵盖哪些内容. 


从购买力平价减免,税收后果和规划 (你必须准备在2020年为此纳税), 到遗产规划和个人税务卫生, there is something for all taxpayers to consider as 2020 comes to a close.   On Dec 2, 2020 we hosted complimentary virtual events to explore all these topics and more. 

你可以 在这里观看整个活动 或选择以下部分:

·        Entity Planning to 关闭 2020 –  Join us as we explore end of year planning techniques – amplified this year with non-deductible PPP forgiveness expenses – ranging from accelerating depreciation, 退休计划, accrual to cash conversions and a variety of other opportunities to either defer or accelerate income depending upon your respective income tax brackets and financial results.

·        房地产 Planning + Next Steps - 房地产 planning is at the forefront of many people’s minds following the November election results. Join us for a brief overview of the current estate and gift tax structure, 以及即将发生的潜在变化, in order to evaluate whether now is the time to revise or implement your estate plan.

If you missed our previous “fireside chat” on the estate planning basics, 请滚动下方观看该视频.

·        The Individual 税 Hygiene Pyramid - This session will explore some fundamental strategies for year-end tax planning that could help you meet or exceed your long term financial goals. 不管你是否受到2020年的影响, 不管是好是坏, there will be some tactics in our pyramid that fit your needs…now more than ever.


The last several years have been an attractive season for higher net worth individuals with marginally taxable estates,  and a golden age for estates of value between the historically lower exemption amounts and those brought in by the American 税payer Relief Act of 2012 ($5 million, 作为调整) and then the doubling of the exemption under 税 Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 ($10 million, 作为调整, “TCJA”).  今年是选举年, and we assuredly do not have a crystal ball hidden in the consulting department supply closet here at Blankenship CPA Group.  仍然, there are undoubtedly risks that should be considered given the candidates’ proposed tax plans.  特朗普通常会延长我们目前所处的环境, 努力制定许多将于2025年到期的临时条款, 永久.  Biden has pledged to reverse the TCJA and roll out significant increases in nearly every aspect of the high net worth individuals’ tax regime.  拜登将把公司税率从21%提高到28%, 为国内外收入设定最低公司税, 将最高个人税率从37%恢复到39%.6%, tax capital gains as ordinary income and at death for higher-income individuals, 恢复和平的逐步淘汰, 通过对400美元以上的工资征税,创造一种“甜甜圈”式的社会保障方案,000, and provide lower-income taxpayer credits and higher-income taxpayer increases in tax in general.  它对高净值个人来说是高度累进的.  在一般情况下, a non-partisan thinktank projects the Biden plan would increase the tax on the top 1% of earners (this is folks earning more than $421,926人(一年))一般在13%到18%之间, 而对所有其他纳税人群体没有实际影响.  It would completely overhaul the step-up in basis concept we have integrated into our estate planning for decades.  这种增加税收和降低免税额的可能性, 再加上极低的afr, 现在是否值得重新审视一下你的遗产税和赠与税计划.  房地产 planning attorneys could find themselves inundated at year-end if legislative and executive branches all align at election time behind this progressive plan.  不管选举结果如何, the AFR environment alone would suggest revisiting your plans and taking advantage of this golden age in estate planning.

Take advantage of this 客户端 Zoom Event to prepare your thoughts and get ahead of the potential rush. 


The 880 page CARES Act contains provisions ranging from business and individual relief to unemployment. 我们把一个 这里有一个全面的总结它从购买力平价条款开始,以失业结束. 我们也希望你已经收到并学习了 家庭第一冠状病毒应对总结在这里 我们在不到两周前寄出了.

在过去的三个月里, we have prepared a Relief 咨询 Toolkit and hosted several virtual client events. 向您的注册会计师索取该工具包的副本或逐个请求 发邮件info@w3ealthcreator.com. 救济展望事件不是细节的展示, 而是为了提供视角, 蓝图, and a walk through of Toolkit content in order to help you navigate the waters ahead.

 For our Summation views on PPP Loan Forgiveness and other relief provisions, 请从6月25日开始关注这一事件th.

For perspectives on how to maximize your PPP Loan Forgiveness Application and review the clarified PPP strategies, 请关注5月27日的新闻.  

For perspectives on PPP utilization and finding your unique place on the liquidity/forgiveness spectrum, 请从5月1日开始关注.

对《手机赌博软件》的看法, FFCRA, 以及在整个危机中进行管理, 请关注下面的事件

For nonprofit and government specific content, please view this version:

我们替你保管你的书, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits.
We offer payroll solutions that meet your business's needs and enable you to spend time doing what you do best--running your company.
We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
We're here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.
We offer one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, 提高性能, 确保你的财富长盛不衰.


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